They Made This

Arts, Crafts & Gifts

They Made This is a female and LGBTQ founded, contemporary modern art print shop and gallery, by partners Aine Donovan and El Jones.

Established in 2018 They Made This now has stores in Brighton and London and represents the work of over 60 of the world’s best graphic artists, photographers and designers.

They Made This sells editioned art prints and original artworks while also curating graphic art projects and events. Over the last 5 years they have worked with many charities including Refuge, Amnesty International, The Albert Kennedy Trust and GOSH.

Their manifesto, Art For Everyone, underpins everything they do, from making art affordable and accessible, supporting artists and building community through cultural art events.

Alongside their two stores, They Made This’ new gallery arm, ‘AIR’ (Artists in Residency), focuses on solo and group artist shows.

Opening Hours

Mon-Wed: 10:30-17:30
Thurs-Sat: 10:00-18:00
Sun: 11:00-17:00