The low-down on the lie-down:
Back in spring, we posted an April Fool’s joke on social media to say that we were developing a lilo with room for your boobs so Bravissimo girls would be able to relax on their front in comfort. It had made us giggle in the office, and made the bigger-boobed among us sigh… if only!
And that’s as far as it would go… or so we thought.
The responses started to roll in…
And roll in… your reaction was overwhelming! Hundreds of you got in touch to tell us that you really loved the idea and you wished it wasn’t a joke. You even had visions of bringing it to your next massage appointment, or using it as an airbed to get the best night’s sleep ever, as well as using it while rocking a bikini!
As we hope you know, our absolute favourite thing is when we can provide something that big-boobed women want and has never been available before… so as we watched your comments stack up in our inbox, it dawned on us that we really had to give this a go! Although we’re clearly not experts in lilos (!), we couldn’t miss the opportunity to kit you out with it in time for summer… so we dived head-first into developing an inflatable that would be the hol(e)y grail for Bravissimo girls.
We’re really excited for you to try this out, and we really hope it floats your boat! If you’re excited too, why not become one of the first Bravissimo girl lilo owners?
As this is a first for us (and the products we do aren’t usually inflatable and definitely don’t have holes in them!) we’d love to hear what you think of our lilo and see it in action (either fill out the form below, or get in touch on Facebook or Instagram!). We’ve developed it in record time to make it available for the summer so if you think we could do something better next time, please tell us – you’re always brilliant at giving us your views and we love to learn from you and improve what we do.
We hope you’re about to enjoy a new world of lounging on your front in total comfort… and we can’t wait to see your pictures!
Address: 3 North Street
Website: http://www.bravissimo.com
Phone: 01273 731540
Opening Times: Mon-Sat: 10am-6pm; Sun: 11am-5pm