Brighton BID bucks local and national retail vacancy trends – February 2022
Vacancy rates in city centre Business Improvement District continue to fall.
Nationally, retail vacancy rates have remained stubbornly high as the country has opened up. The local Data Company’s latest analysis, put the UK figure at 14.4%.
A recent survey by Brilliant Brighton, the city’s Business Improvement District (BID) has shown a sustained drop in vacancy rates to 7.71% – just over half the national data.
Brighton’s wider city centre is currently sitting at 9.59%. A light rise from September’s count of 9.18% and still well below the national average.
Gavin Stewart, Brilliant Brighton CEO said, “These figures are very promising for the city. Although there have been major business casualties caused by the Pandemic, Brighton is currently hitting well above its weight and proving to still be an enticing offer for investors and entrepreneurs to set up shop.”
The Team at Brilliant Brighton has been working hard to deliver a range of project to help make the BID area a more appealing area for business, including; Deep street cleansing initiatives, graffiti removal, Arts Trails and Third Thursday events, a city centre Ambassador Service, summer city dressing and Christmas Lighting schemes as well as promotions through the Brilliant Brighton Website and social media channels.