Brighton’s city centre businesses will soon have the opportunity to vote on a five year business plan which is aimed at reinvigorating the high street, attracting more visitors and creating a safe environment post pandemic.
The plan, which has been drawn up by the team at Brilliant Brighton, the city’s Business Improvement District (BID) after months of consultation with the business community, will:
- Provide the city’s annual Christmas Lighting display
- Create a safer shopping experience with the City Centre Ambassadors
- Organise a year-round calendar of events to attract customers, in line with Covid-safe guidelines
- Provide an enhanced marketing offer for the BID area’s 517 shops, restaurants, bars and cafes
- Deliver enhanced street cleansing and jet washing in the BID area.
The BID also provides a range of services for the business community to help reduce costs.
Businesses are being asked to contribute a levy equal to 1.5% of the rateable value of the property they trade from.
A ‘yes’ vote for the five year plan will see over £2m of private sector investment which will begin on 1 July 2021. Businesses eligible to vote will receive their ballot papers on or around 6 April and the outcome of the ballot will be published on the 7 May 2021.
Got any questions? Contact Gavin Stewart, BID CEO on gavin.stewart@brilliantbrighton.com