Our #BrilliantBrightonIndieBiz campaign has been created to spotlight our city’s amazing independent businesses and how we can support them during these challenging times. Our featured business today is North Laine Hair Co.
Over to Kate to hear more…⠀
“I have launched our IGTV channel and Youtube channel (North Laine Hair Company) with tutorials for how people can look after their hair at home, including some fringe trimming advice. I’m also taking requests for further advice needed – so get in touch! We are here for product recommendations too. ⠀
I can be contacted via IG or kate@northlainehairco.com and all products can be purchased via our website www.northlainehairco.co.uk.⠀
We would also love clients to write a review on Google!⠀
Clients can purchase gift vouchers via our website ready for when we are open again.”⠀