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The search is on to find the Teacher of the Year in Brighton

The Teacher of the Year competition, sponsored by GiftRound, gives people the chance to win a £250 Brighton Gift Card, with a £500 gift card for the winning teacher and a £500 gift card for the winning teacher’s school.

People are being encouraged to nominate a teacher in a newly launched Teacher of the Year competition, with £1250 in Brighton Gift Cards as a possible prize.

Brilliant Brighton (Brighton Business Improvement District), is a not-for-profit collective of city centre businesses, who come together to put on projects to enhance the city centre, launched the Brighton Gift Card alongside Brighton based Tillo in 2023. The Brighton Gift Card can be spent with over 50 businesses in Brighton and is available as either a physical or digital card.

All types of teachers are eligible to be nominated for the Teacher of the Year award, including primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, special educational needs teachers, early years teachers, teaching assistants and headteachers. To nominate a teacher, people simply give the teacher’s name and a reason that they deserve to be the Teacher of the Year.

The teacher who receives the most votes will be crowned as Teacher of the Year and will receive a massive £500 Town & City Gift Card of their choice, such as the Brighton Gift Card. One person who nominated the Teacher of the Year will also win a £250 Town & City Gift Card, and there will be a £500 Town & City Gift Card for the school that the winning teacher works at.

Gavin Stewart, CEO at Brilliant Brighton said: “Brighton is a unique city packed with amazing people and businesses, and is also home to many fantastic schools. The Teacher of the Year competition is a chance for parents and guardians, colleagues and friends to nominate the teachers who are making a difference in our city. It takes 2 minutes to nominate your Teacher of the Year, and we hope to see lots of nominations from Brighton.”

The Brighton Gift Card is part of the award winning Town & City Gift Card concept from fintech Miconex. 

Colin Munro (pictured) is the managing director of Miconex and said: “Schools, and teachers, are at the heart of our communities, and our Teacher of the Year competition is a celebration of the teachers who are going above and beyond to educate, help and inspire young people. We’ll be telling the stories of the nominations as they come in, giving teachers the recognition they deserve.”

The Teacher of the Year competition is sponsored by group collecting platform GiftRound. Founded in 2018, GiftRound gives people an easy way to collect money for various occasions, including end of term gifts. The Brighton Gift Card is available to buy on the GiftRound store.

Craig Forsythe, CEO & founder at GiftRound, said sponsoring the Teacher of the Year competition was a natural fit for the company. 

“GiftRound makes it easy for groups of parents to collect money and buy the perfect gift for teachers without the hassle of sharing bank account details and endless WhatsApp messages.  We started working with Town & City Gift Cards because a group of parents collecting for a teacher’s gift asked for their local gift card to be added to the GiftRound store, leading to the onboarding of local gift cards across the UK and Ireland, including the Brighton Gift Card. We’re delighted to sponsor the Teacher of the Year competition and we look forward to reading the entries.”

Nominate a teacher in the Teacher of the Year competition at

The closing date for entries is the 31st August 2024 at midnight. The Teacher of the Year will be announced in September 2024.