Just a few weeks on from the news that 15 refugees were found frozen to death on the border of Lebanon, JoJo Maman Bébé announces collection for the third year of their charity initiative will begin on 18th February.
From a Mother to Another aims to help clothe the thousands of displaced children living in Lebanon, during the harsh winters, who have never known a world without war and families in need in the UK with clothing distribution via Trussell Trust food banks. All while aiming to reduce the shocking levels of clothing waste that end up in landfill, For full details of how to donate visit www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/famta.
JoJo will be collecting good quality outgrown or unwanted baby and children’s clothes in sizes 0-6 years as well as children’s shoes. Customers are requested to put together complete outfits sorted by size, sex and season, with shoes in a separate bag and take them to one of their 87 stores across UK and Ireland, including the Brighton store at: 40 Gardner Street.
Laura Tenison, founder & CEO of JoJo, visited Lebanese refugee camps in early 2016, two years on from Laura’s visit and seven years on since the war began the 1.1 million refugees living in the Lebanese camps are still in dire need of help. On her visit Laura saw millions of women and children living in makeshift tents in urgent need of emergency humanitarian aid, they left with whatever they could carry, children were in ragged and outgrown clothes, she had to help. JoJo Maman Bébé have since partnered up with several charities in Lebanon. Patricia Hasbani of Offre Joie thanks everyone who has donated to the campaign in previous years “It is with great pleasure that we are able to thank you for giving the chance to Lebanese and Syrian children to feel warm, and make them feel they are not left alone to face their hardships.”
In the UK emergency clothing packs will be distributed by some of the Trussell Trust’s 428 Foodbanks. Sam Stapley, Operations Manager at The Trussell Trust states “Over a third of the almost 1.2 million three day emergency food supplies provided by The Trussell Trust’s foodbank network last year went to children, and it’s all too common to meet parents at foodbanks who have been skipping meals so their kids don’t go hungry. Things are difficult for lots of families at the moment. That’s why we’re really pleased to be working with JoJo after the success of last year’s campaign – From a Mother to Another is a perfect way for one mum to bring a little light and a lot of comfort to another.”
Laura Tenison explains “Our FAMTA clothing gift bags are distributed to families living in the Bekaa Valley along the Syrian border who want to head home as soon as the fighting stops. Our customers have been amazing – by packing their children’s outgrown clothes into lovely outfits they give a moment of hope and joy to people who have struggled for many years. We are so proud that this simple initiative extends the life of clothing many times and helps to reduce landfill.”
JoJo Maman Bébé will cover the extensive costs of checking, sorting, shipping, customs clearance and managing the logistics of delivering the parcels to the partner charities in Lebanon and to the Trussell Trust’s Foodbanks across the UK.
Nearly a third of the UK’s clothing ends up in landfill, equating to 350,000 tonnes a year. By extending the life of clothes by just three months, carbon and water waste could be reduced by up to 5-10% a year. Sending good quality, little worn, hand-me-downs to those in need would mean they are worn by many more children, extending the clothes lifespan.
Donate your unwanted children’s clothing at JoJo Maman Bébé, 40 Gardner Street, Brighton.
Web: www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk
Phone: 01273 625 682