Following huge successes in other cities across the country, the “Street Support ‐ Brighton & Hove” App and website has just landed in Brighton & Hove and is already rapidly becoming the key live portal for accurate up‐to‐date information for people experiencing homelessness and for support workers working to help meet people’s needs.
The aptly named, “Street Support‐ Brighton & Hove” is unique in that it is continually updated by the city’s key frontline organisations including charities and other groups which support people who are in danger of, or who have become homeless, as well as Brighton & Hove city council and NHS services. It’s this uniqueness that has ensured its success across multiple cities within the UK including Nottingham, Southampton and Manchester.
The aim of the app and website is simple, it’s to help and signpost people experiencing homelessness, and those at risk, to vital key service across the city. For example, access to mental health help and support as well as a hot meal and a warm safe bed. Research has shown that getting these services as quickly as possible significantly increases people’s chances of getting off the street and into accommodation and recovery before further problems such as deteriorating mental health begin to dominate people’s lives.
The service needs funding to ensure it can operate all year round providing the help and support so desperately needed by some of our most vulnerable residents. To this end, Street Support – Brighton & Hove has today launched its own CrowdFunder Page and a request to local businesses.
We are seeking local businesses that would be prepared to pay £500 which would fund the site for one month and allow it to be developed. Brighton & Hove buses have kindly started the funding off by pledging £500 for December 2022.
Additionally there is a CrowdFunder page here: This is designed for individual giving and funds will be used to
develop the network and improve the information on the site and the visibility to the wider population.
Rik Child, the City Administrator said, “Street Support has already helped thousands of people across the UK and so for Brighton & Hove to now be part of something that has been shown to work is really exciting. We know this is very difficult time for everyone but really hope that as many people as possible can help donate. Even the smallest sum is very significant. We are really pleased that Brighton & Hove Buses has already committed to sponsoring the month of December. We are looking for other groups and businesses to get involved.”
Brighton & Hove Buses/ Metrobus Managing Director Ed Wills said, “Street Support do an amazing job at
signposting homeless people and people at risk of being homeless to vital services in Brighton & Hove.
When we found out that Street Support had created a new digital way to sign post even more people to
local services we wanted to help.”
“We would encourage everyone to help people access the services they need by supporting the fundraising
efforts for a new app and website, if they can.”
To see the website go to: https://streetsupport.net/brighton‐and‐hove/ ‐ Links are provided to download the App