To celebrate Real Bread Week, Sugardough gave away Kilner jars of its almost 9 year old starter, Keith. Every day the 3 jars in both shops (Market St, Brighton and 5 Victoria Terrace, Hove) were taken home by people wanting to have a go at making their own bread.
Kane McDowell, who started his career as a pastry chef apprentice 25 years ago in Melbourne, opened Sugardough in an empty shop in Hove with a £100 eBay oven and a rolling pin in 2009. He now has 2 shops, the main bakery just down the road from his original site in Hove and a bakery and cafe in The Lanes Brighton.
Kane said, “It’s brilliant that every day we ran out of jars. That means 54 people came in to Sugardough to take home some starter. That’s 54 people making their own bread, experiencing the satisfaction of kneading and proving their dough with no additives, just flour, water, salt and some of my starter.”
“People have been sending us photos of their loaves which I love. When I first opened Sugardough many of our customers hadn’t heard of sourdough bread. The more people that care about good bread and what’s in their bread the better. Brighton has got right behind us and you can’t beat customers that want to try making their own.”
Sugardough hand makes delicious food from scratch every day, with no additives, using traditional baking skills in its Hove bakery. It bakes sourdough breads in small batches using its starter Keith. Keith was developed in Kane’s home kitchen in Hove in the months before he opened Sugardough. As well as kilner jars of starter Sugardough also provided instructions to keep the starter alive and a bread recipe.
Visit Sugardough at 18 Market Street
Website: https://twitter.com/sugardoughhove
Phone: 01273 771218