Learn how seafood can be a healthy, affordable part of your everyday meals, whether you’re replacing meat or looking to experiment with new ingredients.
Seafood is low in ‘bad’ saturated fat but high in the ‘good’ omega-3 fatty acids credited with being good for your joints and boosting your brainpower. Packed with vitamins and minerals too, it is a healthy protein alternative to meat.
Yet too often seafood is considered too expensive and too fussy to cook with. This class will show you that neither need be true!
Patrick Timpson from Brighton institution Riddle & Finns will teach you some essential knife skills and tips for seafood preparation. You’ll cook a delicious, versatile seafood chowder and learn simple but tasty ways with prawns, then sit down to enjoy your lunch together.
The low-cost places on this class are available thanks to Patrick from Riddle & Finns generously donating time and ingredients for this event.
Places on this class cost just £10 and are limited to people who:
– Live in Brighton & Hove who are in receipt of a means tested benefit
– The Community Kitchen also recognize some people working, studying or otherwise are also on a low income so please contact them to have a chat before booking
Please visit: https://bhfood.org.uk/events/affordable-seafood-with-riddle-finns/ if you are interested in attending the class, or call 01273 234810.
The class will take place on Wednesday 24th July, 10am-12:30pm at The Community Kitchen, Queens Road, Brighton.